• C/BALMES 76, PRAL 1ª, 08007 BARCELONA +34 934 878 030 bmk@bmk.es

All posts of Bufete Mañá-Krier-Elvira

Sveriges nationaldag

Today we have celebrated in Barcelona the Swedish National Day. This year was an special celebration as it commemorated the 500th anniversary of its independence as a country. Bufete Mañá-Krier-Elvira took part in the celebration which was organised by the Svea Barcelona, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, the Swedish Consulate in Barcelona and Svenska Skolan […]

WLN Spring ‘23 Conference in Cyprus

Last 10-14th of May, WLN Spring Conference took place in Protaras, Cyprus. Our Law Office was represented by Gloria Viñals and David Elvira. After being in the conference, we have the feeling that all Olympus Gods and especially Aphrodite, who was born in Cyprus, following the History, support us to have a perfect conference in […]

Homage Event to senior Partners

Last week Bufete Mañá-Krier-Elvira organised and enjoyed a very special event for our Law Firm,  not only because there were over 100 attendees among clients, friends and colleagues of BMKE or because the event took place at the amazing and historic Pati de Columnes of the Barcelona Bar Association Building, Palauet Casades, but also and […]

Digitale Nomaden und Spanien?

Heutzutage lässt sich alles online machen, ob in den Supermarkt, zum Arzt oder in die Arbeit, seit der Corona-Krise scheint alles möglich zu sein. Besonders das Homeoffice erfreut sich einer großen Beliebtheit und wird gerade von jüngeren Menschen immer öfter in Anspruch genommen, um unabhängig von einem festen Arbeitsplatz arbeiten zu können. Um diese jungen […]

Legal Design– Seminario BMKE por Paula Bick

Legal Design as a field of knowledge was born only 5 years ago at Stanford University as a result of the systematic application of the “Design Thinking Method” to the legal field. This form of design integrates the planning and organization of people, structures, communication channels and all other aspects that make up a service […]

El metaverso y la fiscalidad

El metaverso es la tierra prometida. Así lo afirman muchos. Grandes Inversiones han alentado la idea de un nuevo lugar on line aun por crear, por comprar, por construir, donde llegar tarde puede costar mucho dinero. Nada se sabe de momento si el metaverso es o será la tierra prometida, pocas dudas hay sin embargo […]

Austrian Barcelona Community Event

Last Thursday Austrian Barcelona Comunity organised the first already traditional AFTERWORK EVENT in 2023, that took place in central and awesome location of Til.ler Lobby Bar at the H10 Mimosa Hotel. This time we were honoured with the participation of an special Guest Igor Lukic, Deputy Head of Advantage Austria, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich in Madrid. Bufete […]